Class 1 - Definition of English

 :: Definition - English is the mixture of language.
1. The smallest language of English is alphabet

2. The largest unit of English language is Sentence.

3. There are 26 letter in English alphabet
4. There are 5 vowel letter in English alphabet(a, e, I, o, u).
5. There are 21 consonant letter in English alphabet(rest of vowel).

:: Word - A word is a group of letters that gives of complete meaning.
Example - Boy, Pen etc.

:: Sentence - A sentence is a group of word that gives of complete sense.
Example - Ram writes a letter.

:: Subject (S)- A subject is a doer an action.
[ note- generally kisi waqya Me who se question kiya Jaye to prapt Answer hi subject hota hai.]

Example - Ram killed Ravan. ( Ram-subject)

:: Verb(V) - A Verb Is an action or position of a subject.
Example - Ram killed Ravan.( Ram - S, killed-V).

[Note- generally hindi ka wah word Jiska last 'NA'  se hota hai use Verb Ki category me rakha jata hai. Ex - Aana(come), Jana(go), Khelna(play) etc..]

:: Object(O) - An object is a person or thing affected by the word of subject in sentence.

Examples - Ram writes a letter. (Ram-S, Writes-V, Lettter-O)

[Note-generelly kisi sentence me kya(what), kisko(whom) se question kiya jata hai to prapt answer sentence ka Object hota hai.] ex - Ram killed Ravan. (ravan-O)

:: Language - A language is of source of communication.


Class 2 - Parts Of Speech (full details) 
Class 3 - Noun and it's Parts